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[EN] Philippe Burger - Latest 2017 Deloitte study on Human Capital trends #ClubTS
Human Capital Trends 2018: Key Insights
The Business Case for Human Capital
Philippe Burger - Unemployment Rates and Land Ownership
The Business Debate - Accenture Strategy talks about Human Capital
TechGig Code Gladiators 2017 - Ep.2 with Deloitte
TJV2017 - Gras Savoye BERGER SIMON Obportus : Olivier Roussey et Philippe Burger - 18/11/2017
Deloitte : "On constate une réelle reprise de la mobilité externe"
[EN] Why Club Talentsoft is a can’t-miss event?
Future of HR
Coffee with Mr. IoT - Meet Mr. Thingworx
#TheMidpointSA: Unpacking Poor Education, Poor Economy - and Planning the Escape